You would think iMovie would export perfectly to the iPhone… but alas, it does not. But getting it onto your phone so that you can post to Instagram or one of the other apps out there, the process is pretty straight forward. A couple of assumptions being made about this post: You own an Apple […]
Ongoing Personal Revelation is Like Learning a Language
Have you ever learned or wanted to learn a foreign language? When studying a language, it’s an interesting process. You learn a lot of the vocabulary and some grammar. But you don’t really start learning the language until you go out and first start listening to people speak in that language, followed by you attempting […]
What is Coworking?
Coworking is like a gym membership for office space. When coworking, you typically pay a monthly fee which gives you access to some or all of the amenities which the coworking facility has to offer. Because there are no leases or long term commitments usually required, many are calling coworking the “Uber of office space.” Turns […]
Custom Slack Emojis
These days I’m using slack almost more than I’m using my email client, it’s really become an integral part of my daily communication. I know, some of you are haters and find no value in Slack and prefer other chat programs that provide similar services. Being that we use it a lot, I’ve begun creating […]
Am I a picky eater? A scientific survey…
I’m often picked on for not eating certain foods, some say I’m “picky”… I just don’t think that’s the case. In order to put the matter to rest once and for all I enlisted the help of friends on Facebook to come up with a survey on items that are mostly normal foods or ingredients. […]
How to Add AudioBook CDs to iPhone – The Final Frontier of Syncing
After scouring the internet for a logical answer to getting mp3’s from a ripped audiobook cd into iBooks on the iPhone (or iPad for that matter), I came to the conclusion that there just isn’t a good way sync them still. I finally had to sit down and figure it out myself… it was painful. The […]
Stop calling people… It’s rude.
Ok, I know the title of this blog post is a little… rude? #isntitironicdontchathink. This has been on my mind for a while now, just let me explain… Isn’t it interesting how things evolve? Especially in the world of communication. Here’s my quick perspective on the communication evolution. The Communication Evolution Before there was a […]
How to Watch Live Television on Your Apple TV
We recently purchased a home and decided that we were going to cut cable entirely. This was a pretty big deal (mostly for me) since I luvs watching me some meaningless dribble from time-to-time. The wife didn’t really mind as long as she could still watch The Bachelor. So it was decided: no cable television, […]
Chandler’s Dumb State Game – 50 State Challenge
So the other night I was playing with Beau and he had a map of the United States. He was asking me the names of all the states and I was answering him, no problem. Danielle was right there and I told her I bet she couldn’t write down all 50 states. She scoffed at me […]
The Apps on My iPad
As most of my friends know, I’m a pretty big Apple fanboy… It’s no secret. I recently swapped out my iPad for an iPad mini and went through all of the apps I have installed. I’ve gathered quite the collection over the years and thought that maybe some people might be interested to know what […]