- Give two examples of how color might affect the overall composition of a painting. Color can be used to show layers or the overall feeling of the painting by making it happy or sad.
- What can an artist do to ensure that a design is not monotonous? They could use lots of different shapes in their design.
- What is Folk Art? Folk Art is usually pieces from the early American history made by people who would not have considered themselves artists, but rather regular people. They were craftsman by trade or homemakers crocheting a quilt.
- What are the typical forms of artwork created by African women and what art forms do African men generally produce? Most objects that are sculpted or shaped like statues or masks are made by men. Paintings and other two dimensional objects are usually created by men.
PART II Click on https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Sculpture#Materials_of_sculpture, read the article on sculpture and write one full page, using your own words, to explain your understanding of sculpture.
Sculpture comes in many different shapes and sizes. People can now make a sculpture out of anything. They can depict many different things like a person, animals, objects, or even thoughts and ideas. There is no incorrect form of sculpture, people do it for anything. Often times, sculptures are used to capture a moment in time to help people forever remember that event.
In ancient times, sculptures were used in many religious ceremonies. Many times the sculptures symbolized the gods that were worshipped during that time. In ancient Asian countries this was definitely the case. The sculptures would also represent the teachings from their religious teachings as well. These types of sculpture were very sacred to the people of that time and were taken very well care of.
To me, sculptures are even more important than if someone were to draw a picture of you. They represent much more work and involvement which shows more dedication and loyalty. When someone makes a sculpture, they are giving it everything they have to express what they feel is important. The amazing sculptures like the Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore show extreme dedication to the cause. With sculptures being a strong point of the world of art, we will continue to have those amazing moments captured in time that will outlive most of us. Sculptures really do break the barrier of time.
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