I think that glass art is by far my favorite type of art that we have seen throughout the semester. I really enjoy the many different qualities it has to offer to even someone without much knowledge on the subject. The many colors and shapes with abstract designs really draw in your attention. I especially like it when the lighting is used as an added affect to the piece. It really makes them stand out more so than other pieces of art. One of my other favorite things is that no two pieces are alike, even if duplicated, the piece will never be exactly the same.
William Morris has a very interesting style. His art is very detailed and takes different shapes than most glass art. He actually does sculpture type pieces that require a lot of meticulous work. I like how his pieces can be seen as glass art or other types of art as well. His bronze pieces were really interesting as well. They look like ancient artifacts that have been dug up out of old tombs. I really like how smooth all of his pieces seem.
Dale Chihuly has some way nice pieces of glass art. It seems to me that he really likes making pieces that resemble seaforms which flow across all of his work. Under his wall installations I really like the lighting that is used to accent all of the pieces. It makes the colors stand out far more than usual. His chandeliers are also very intriguing because of their many pieces of glass that form them. It must take so much time to create a piece like those.
Dale Chihuly says that Lino Tagliapietra is the world’s greatest living glass blower, and I can see why. His pieces are amazing. They look almost like they were created on another planet. So much detail is involved in each of his pieces it would take nothing less than a master to complete pieces like his. The dinosaur collection has very long free flowing pieces that you could probably look at for hours. I definitely enjoyed his work.
Glass art definitely takes the prize for me. These artists have some amazing talent that I wish I could have a small piece of. The ability to create these objects must come from years of practice and patience in order to achieve such perfection. They represent more than just the power of the imagination, but the hard work and determination to create something that nobody else has created.
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