I really enjoyed this movie. It was the first movie this semester that finally felt like it was from this generation. It was really interesting watching Jack Nicholson, Danny Devito and Christopher Lloyd as young actors. Jack Nicholson did such a good job with his role in the movie. The plot was really interesting in my mind as well, and to know that it was all based on actual insane asylums makes it even more interesting. These men who were labeled as crazy are all put in this place to protect the rest of the world. Jack was put in there because of things he had done in the actual prison. He does masterfully in becoming best friends to his entire ward and teaches many of them important life lessons.
The movie does a great job at exploiting what the asylums of that time were doing to its patients. Although Jack is unable to free these men from their own thoughts, he does make a great impact on especially one man. Which is what makes the ending as good as it was.
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