I found African art to be very interesting. It was designed for a different purpose than most other pieces of art. These artists created their masterpieces not for worldly recognition, but they created their art to help show their spiritual beliefs. They use very interesting techniques to combine the visual aspect with the spiritual as well as the social purpose. The art they have is not always confined to religious items either; it is often things from regular everyday life, like utensils for example. The sad part about it all is that because of their lack of record keeping, many of the artists remain unknown, and it is left up to researchers to relate the different pieces to the correct artist or time period.
African art covers a wide range of objects; it is definitely not confined to any one specific area. They have many pieces that have a traditional nature, as well as pieces that are considered contemporary. It is interesting to me that it seems like everything they have, they can make into some form of art. Much of the traditional art was made to reflect the social norms of the era. They were often pieces that were used in everyday life, as well as many pieces that were used in religious ceremonies. Many pieces were created to help address the individual and community needs during the time, there helping with those things. Also, with the traditional art, humans and animals were often the main subject. The art would depict both desirable and undesirable traits of the human body. As far as the use of traditional art for religious purposes went, they created many sculptures and other pieces to reflect their deities, ancestors, or other spiritual beings. Many times the Artists that created these pieces were often very well known in their communities, but unknown to the world outside. This is where the researchers now have to do the most work, trying to relate the art back to the person who created it. This seems like quite a task.
Contemporary art usually shows individual vision and innovation. Their audiences weren’t as defined as with the traditional art. These artists focused on audiences much bigger; often times a global audience is their target. Their pieces aren’t as focused either, they will sometimes venture into global issues, while still bringing them back on a personal level and how they are affected.
African art is integrated into every aspect of life. Art is used in such things as religious ceremonies, to show religious beliefs, and even regular daily household tasks. They put art in EVERYTHING! Art often shows a social status as well. A leader might have a special headpiece that shows his rankings while a farmer would have a specific robe that indicated his profession. They even have special art for women, and special art for men. Many pieces of art can have multiple uses. A bed to one family might be where they sleep. While a bed to another family, might be a religious symbol of the afterlife. So don’t lie down without checking first.
The imagery they use is often times very abstract but somewhat recognizable. They use animals in a lot of their art for their character traits of the animal. For example, a leopard would be used to show its speed and power. Many of these pieces are not just confined to one culture either, they are wide spread ideas that are seen throughout most of Africa. I found it very interesting and it really made me want to travel to Africa!
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